ICM-Suite Maritime

Centres for safe harbours, ports & coasts

Port coordination and efficient processing of incoming and outgoing shipping traffic, rapid safe freight loading and unloading, customs transaction clearing, seamless interfacing of rail, road, and airport connections are all part of the daily business.

In the event of ship accidents or breakdowns, sea rescue situations, incidents in port or coastal areas, joint operational coordination must be set up quickly and emergency services acting on-site must be continuously informed, be it on water, on land or in the air.

ICM-Suite Maritime solutions include a self-updating operational overall view for maritime control centres, whether in the port area, coastal area or on the high seas, always up-to-date vessel route, vessel position, radar, weather and operational resource information together with ongoing operational information from emergency services operating on-site, with 'replay/recorder' functionality for an overall common operational picture (COP).

In addition to this overall operational view, customer-created operational templates for planned or ad-hoc operational situations can be accessed immediately and carried out with updated location, responsibility, resource information and device-independent communication. Standardizable operating rules such as legal regulations, international and national shipping, environmental or port regulations can easily be ensured and recorded.

For the centre operational coordination of sea rescue situations, 'Search & Rescue' (SAR) operational information is displayed and processed, such as land-based air bases with rescue helicopter landing pads, civil and military locations for medical services and additional resources - such as those nearby patrolling ships and boats, aircraft, or autonomous vehicles. Coordination communications can be monitored and recorded coherently across all channels including direct ship radio or satellite link.

Common Operational Picture(COP)
verified joint situation awareness

Device independent secure link
with all involved parties

Locate, tracking and identifying
of unregistered vessel contacts

Collaboration cross-organization
activity monitoring supported

Harbour, port, and environmental
regulations surveillance

Recorded handover
to authority organizations supported

Maritime control centre rescue
coordination supported

Distress messages processing

Mission resource deployment
coordination supported

Would you like to know more about ICM-Suite Maritime solutions?

Please send us an email to contact us!
